I will nft smart contract, nft blockchain, smart contract, metamask


I am a FullStack Ethereum Blockchain developer providing services for Solidity Smart Contract, React Web3 frontend, and NodeJS API development.

I have experience working with ERC721, ERC21 tokens, OpenZepplin contracts, and Truffle Suite.

I will create robust and modern DApps by using modern technologies. I can create all kinds of DApps and Defi Applications with solid knowledge of protocols.


Apart from this, I am able to work with Javascript and Typescript in order to create all kinds of web applications with Nodejs and React.

Feel free to contact me with your requirements and customization so that we can take your ideas to the next level.

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/85XRDg

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 20

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