I will do professional book cover or ebook cover design and kindle


book cover is a creatively concise depiction of what a book is meant for. Book cover plays an indispensable role in presenting a niche and striking overview of the book.

If you are considering a professional design for book covers, I am a good choice for SPECIALISED competence in this field.

I will Create Book cover, book cover design, Ebook cover Design, Kindle book cover, Kindle Paperback

My Services Include:

  • Creative, Attractive, Unique, professional Design
  • Free 3D Mockups
  • Ebook, Kindle, and Paperback covers
  • Premium stock images
  • Unlimited revisions
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

What do I need to get started?

  • Title
  • Subtitle 
  • Authors name 
  • Images you like that I can use as inspiration
  • Preferred color (optional)

We understand the value of ever green book as in the mind of the author and or the reader

We would b ring your imagination to reality providing you the best of our service at it peak both on the cover designs.

A trial will definitely convince you for more.

kindly contact my inbox for more benefits.

If you have, any questions feel free to ask.

Janet. O. O

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/pro_janecci005/do-professional-book-cover-or-ebook-cover-design-and-kindle

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 10

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