I will remove all negative energies with powerful divine light reiki spiritual


Favorite0I use Diving light energy directly from the Source to provide effective distant Reiki healing that rejuvenates the physical, mental and spiritual bodies. Spiritual Energy Cleansing is the simplest way to remove the energy blocks related to your health, wealth, relationships and overall wellbeing. I will go above and beyond in removing your blockages and provide effective healing for […]

I will do clearing, healing and balancing of all chakras with divine


Favorite0I use Diving light energy directly from the Source to provide effective distant Reiki spiritual healing that rejuvenates the physical, mental and spiritual bodies. When our chakras have any energy blockages, the vibration of the chakras decline causing blockages within our bodies hence leading to our auric bodies. The blockages cause problems in our lives such as health, money, relationships, personal […]

I will heal relationships with divine light reiki spiritual energy


Favorite2I use Diving light energy directly from the Source to provide effective distant Reiki healing that rejuvenates the physical, mental and spiritual bodies and heal relationships. During distant Reiki session, you will feel the purest form of the Divine Light and Reiki energy flow through every cell of your body. You will feel the energy running through your body […]