I will create a successful crowdfunding campaign on any fundraising platforms



I will create a compelling crowdfunding campaign to fund your cause, such as a business or charity. Through a crowdfunding campaign, you can raise millions of dollars.

What you get

A crowdfunding campaign on one or more platforms, depending on your requirement. The campaign consists of text, pictures, and a video.

Note! Basic, Standard, and Premium packages don’t include me creating content.

I can create written campaign content and provide pictures for $75 extra.

Promotion (Premium service)

The scope of marketing: posting a short pitch with the campaign link on LinkedIn where I have a total of approx. 10,000 followers.


You will be required to provide:

– 1 video (YouTube/Vimeo link in case of IndieGoGo / MP4 file in case of Kickstarter) (the video optional if you have pictures)

– Pictures (1 or 2, .png or jpg.)

– Campaign text that can be copy-pasted (.doc/.pdf)

Which platform do you prefer? (Kickstarter/IndieGoGo/GoFundMe/another?

Content restrictions!


– 8 pictures

– 1500 words of text

– 2 videos


Please don’t ask me to build the crowdfunding campaign under my name. Only you or your company can represent it.

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/pjxEy8

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 10

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