I will trade your prop firm account and get you funded


About This Gig

Hi there,

FT MO is a project which is looking for experienced traders. To ascertain if a trader has all the qualities we seek, we developed a 2-step evaluation course. These two steps consist of the FT MO Challenge and the Verification. The course is specifically tailored to discover talent within a trader.

The minimum requirement to pa*s the Verification is also to trade for at least 10 trading days (don’t need to be consecutive). You don’t need to wait for the entire duration of the Evaluation Process. All in all, you can be managing your FT MO Account in as little as 20 trading days.


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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/W6GDDL

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 5

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