I will convert pdf, ebook, PPT to digital flipbook within 8 hours


I will Convert Pdf, E-Book, Word, PowerPoint, Images to digital Flipbook which is desktop, laptop, mobile-optimized within 8 Hours as a personal virtual assistant.

Transform your monotonous PDF into an amazing flipbook with page-turning, sound-producing, and animation that increases people’s excitement.

You will get is a compressed .zip file that contains the HTML and its necessary page resources folders. This flipbook works perfectly on the laptop, pc, mobile and can be uploaded to the website.


Salient Features of Flipbook:

  1. Flip pages automatically
  2. Full-screen mode
  3. Share buttons for the social Media
  4. Turn-ON/OFF background sound
  5. Print and Search Buttons
  6. Double Click Zoom in or Zoom out
  7. Background Image
  8. Scroll mouse wheel for flip pages manually
  9. Custom Logo Image on top
  10. High quality and eye-catching eBook design Cover

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/Bmld47

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 10

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