Hi, there.
Am Phillips Jones, a professional creative and ghostwriter.
Yeah, writing about yourself is difficult+, but nothing sells you quite such as you. Let me help!.
Maybe you have got you ever read the words ‘tell us a touch about yourself’ and go completely blank? Taking what you recognize a bout yourself and putting it to a measly paragraph isn’t as easy because it sounds. There’s more to you than meets the attention.
Using my creative and fantastic writing skill, i take the story about you [or brand story] and distill it into pages that packs a punch. You would like that duplicate that converts about you? I’ve got you covered. From life coaches to retreat centers and author, am with enough experience working with the past client.
Unfortunately, you merely get some characters to specific yourself. Thant’s where people like me are available. I can create an engaging content about you and facilitate your get your story put there, so how about it?
Contact me today and let work it out on telling the planet about you.
Best regards.
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