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Thank you for visiting my gig. I provide top notch grant research and grant proposal writing services; these include and not limited to Nonprofits organization, Small business startups, Childcare, Women rights, Veterans and elderly, Community development, Youth empowerment, Human trafficking, Entertainment and so on
I come with years of experience in grant research and grant proposal writing, with many successfully completed online and offline grant projects. I have helped clients research grants opportunities and at same time created clear and compelling grant proposals.
What makes my grant proposal writing different?
- Good quality,
- Observing and meeting deadlines,
- Originality,
- Confidentiality.
- Assurance of my total commitment and dedication to your grant project.
- Quick response time.
- Unlimited Revisions
- Free letter of intent.
- Delivery in MS-Word and PDF
My GRANT PROPOSAL WRITING will definitely include but not limited to:
- Executive Summary
- Background
- Aims and Objectives
- Specific goal
- Need assessment
- Description
- Problem statement
- Budget
- Activities
- Expected outcome
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Work plan with timeline
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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/Xm03WGFiverr Gig Price ($) : 10