I will Excel data analytics and data entry


Admired Buyers,

I give Ms Excel results.

Help to break problems with your Spreadsheet at veritably reasonable price.


My Services

Data Analysis and Data Entry in Excel distance, Google sheets 

Typing from scrutinized Documents to Excel Word

Data Entry, Importing and Transferring in excel

incorporating wastes into one main Summary wastes

Ms Excel results

ALL kinds of computations, models and complex formulas

Pivot Tables, Power Queries, Power Pivots( table connections)

Macros UserForms VBA

Graphs and maps

Vlookup/ soothsaying

exertion Formatting( If and what analysis)

Spreadsheet design

Split textbook/ data into different cells

Removing duplicates

Import import CSV

Custom VBA program

Your data confirmation, Data converting and Financial analysis

Your asked format

Assignments and much further Excel effects!

Your imagination is the only limit, we can do nearly anything in Excel.

So, communicate me, let me do your work and feel happy!

Thank you

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Fiverr Gig URL: Https://www.fiverr.com/share/AQv8j5

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 5

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