Hello Sir/Madam
You’re highly welcome to my best gig Blender animation
Using an animated character in blender will bring more life to your 3D animation project. The character can interact with the environment, tools, machinery, equipment, and show how it will be used in real life
Are you looking for a professional Animator to provide 3d modeling, rigging, design and animate it in blender or If you have an Imagination of a Character you want to make it in 3d ? Or you want to Make it look better???? If yes you’re at the right place Because I can give life to your imagination
And also If you want any object (no character) as a 3d Model for further use, or just a computer generated image or a short animation (up to 30sec) of it, send me a message with the idea or some basic sketches. Then i will tell you if I can do it and how long it will take, and we hopefully got a deal. 😉
Then I will made animations to game character to Unreal engine, but if you lock for animations for Unity engine, I am able to do it also, I will also do 3d modeling, rigging and animation video in blender, I can provide detailed 3D models of characters, various types objects (weapons, cars, buildings. etc}
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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/9zNorKFiverr Gig Price ($) : 20