I willI write or revamp online training manual,workshop, user guide,flow chart

Favorite0TRAINING MANUAL| USERGUIDE|USER MANUAL|INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL Welcome Here, I have experience in writing, rewriting, and updating all types of training manuals for various businesses. I have experience with curriculum creation in a variety of areas that include healthcare, engineering, veterinary medicine, and construction. Creating a custom manual requires a lot of interaction between you and myself. We […]

I will be your technical writing on documentation, cybersecurity, and user manual

Favorite0Welcome to my technical writing gig I am a technical writer with experience in software documentation, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. I am skilled at writing user manuals, reports, and user guides that are clear and succinct.In the area of software documentation. I can write accurate and detailed reports for a range of reasons, such as […]

I will write,design,and create your training manual,user guide

Favorite0HELLO GREAT BUYER!!! PRIOR TO CONTACTING ME, PLEASE CONTACT ME TO DISCUSS YOUR REQUIREMENT. For your product/applications, I can create user/technical manuals. As a developer and manager, I am better able to comprehend and write the product’s functioning more precisely and efficiently. I CAN HELP YOU IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. Rewrite an existing guide or […]

I will write and rebrand informational manual, workbook, training course, and booklet

Favorite0Your employees must operate at their highest level to remain relevant and competitive in the fast-paced commercial world of today. I will provide my staff training and development opportunities that are intended to assist them in becoming more adaptable to rapidly changing circumstances and enhance their performance over time.  The goal of a training manual […]

I will design booklet, user guide, instruction manual, and PDF edit

Favorite0WELCOME TO MY GIG BUYER PLEASE CONTACT ME BEFORE PLACING ORDER.  Do you want to Give your user/ instruction manual/ booklet/Brochure in a PROFESSIONAL and CREATIVE look?  OR or do you need to design, edit, rewrite and redesign your product user guide/manual? Welcome to the right GIG I can help you on designing the below’s: Business Profile Annual Report Business Proposal Half-Fold Brochure Bi-Fold Brochure Tri-Fold […]

I will design booklet, user guide, instruction manual, and PDF edit

Favorite0Greetings! PLEASE CONTACT ME BEFORE PLACING ORDER.  It is of Great NOTE that professional manual SELLS MORE than boring manual designs. To make good impact and speaks volume about your brand, You need a Professional to handle this for you. Do you want to Give your user/ instruction manual/ booklet a PROFESSIONAL and CREATIVE look? OR or do you need to design, edit, rewrite and redesign your product user […]

I will design booklet, user guide, instruction manual, and PDF edit

Favorite0WELCOME TO MY GIG BUYER PLEASE CONTACT ME BEFORE PLACING ORDER.  Do you want to Give your user/ instruction manual/ booklet/Brochure in a PROFESSIONAL and CREATIVE look?  OR or do you need to design, edit, rewrite and redesign your product user guide/manual? Welcome to the right GIG I can help you on designing the below’s: Business Profile Annual Report Business Proposal Half-Fold Brochure Bi-Fold Brochure Tri-Fold […]