I will do front end jobs in react js next js redux fix bug


Favorite0Hi, I’m Sazu informatic engineer with great knowledge of programming logic, I know how to program in Javascript, Typescript, React, NextJs, Nestjs, and Express. So everything you need from front-end to back-end or just solving programming problems I can 99% help you, just contact me and tell me your problem. WHY SELECT ME? I will […]

I will be your next js or frontend react js developer, bug fixer


Favorite0Need react front end web developer? If you want optimized, speedy, professional react app then you are at the right place. I will be your front end web developer in react, next js javascript, mui. Ant design, tailwind, bootstrap, angular, html css and material ui.     What’s the process?   Requirement Gathering: Discuss to figure […]