I will make your website responsive and mobile friendly for your business and company


You are undoubtedly in the right place if you’re seeking for services to make your website responsive and mobile-friendly.

I will create your website mobile-friendly and responsive to all devices using (WordPress, Shopify, Squarespace, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Opencart, etc.) and I will address all bugs in HTML CSS Javascript jQuery.

What you’ll receive:


– SEO-friendly, responsive web design.

– An approachable and professional appearance (Mobile friendly, including Mobile menu).

– Theme customization for WordPress, Shopify, Opencart, and Squarespace.

– Your website will successfully pass the Google test for mobile-friendly and responsive websites (Google Insight).

– Fixing HTML, CSSS, Javascript, and jQuery problems.

– Correcting and improving your website for all platforms, including mobile tablets and the iPad.

Decide to place the order now.

Let’s pool our wits and intellects.

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/jeffbezos2/make-your-website-responsive-and-mobile-friendly-for-your-business-and-company

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 20

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