I will do wordpress speed optimization using wp rocket


About This Gig

|| Increase WordPress website speed | WordPress Speed Optimization | Google PageSpeed insights ||

Please send me your web site’s URL for free speed checking and my recommendations before you consider my gig.


We increase WordPress speed by clean up code, optimize themes, images, plugins, and many more.

Why WordPress website speed optimization is important?

✔️ Better user experience. Visitors like to visit a fast-loading site

✔️ Improve conversion rate, Sales, and ROI

✔️ Google Likes fast loading site. (Improvements in SEO and Rankings)

What will we do with our WordPress Speed optimization service:

✔️ Find and Fix issues causing to slow down your site

✔️ Gzip compression, Configure Caching

✔️ Minify HTML/CSS/JS files

✔️ Defer parsing JS

✔️ Images Optimization

✔️ Enable lazy loading on images and videos

✔️ Database Optimization

✔️ Minimize HTTP requests

✔️ CDN integration

✔️ and many more…

Why Choose Us?

✔️ 100% Satisfaction

✔️ 90+ on Desktop

✔️ 80+ on Mobile

✔️ 1-3 S Loading Time

I will send you Google Page Speed Insights before and after Reports after optimization.

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/sengourab/do-wordpress-speed-optimization-using-wp-rocket

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 20

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