Do you like any web-site or want to make your web-site like any web-site or want to redesign WordPress any web-site then you are in the right gig.
I am a professional wordpress web-site developer. I hope I can clone web-site or redesign your desired web-site according to your mind. Clients I have worked with in the past are happy with my work.
My services
- figma to wordpress
- PSD to Word-Press
- Perfectly clone website design
- Responsive wordpress website
- WordPress web-site security
- Speed optimization
- Duplicate website by elementor
- Change main domain to subdomain / addon domain
- same to same Landing page design
- eCommerce integration
- Popup form
- Contact form on redesign wordpress
- Mailchimp automation
- E-mail marketing
- Contact form 7
- Theme customizetion
- Content upload to clone website
- Payment method integration
- Optin Form Integration
Which web-site i am expert in
- Personal
- Agency
- Blog
- Newspaper
- Business
- eCommerce
- Realestate
- Restaurant booking
Why hire
- Fast delivery
- Quality work
- 24/7 support
- 2 year+ experience
- 100% money back gerrunty
- Unlimited revision
If you want to know more about me then message me in inbox.
Get your awesome web-site now
Thanks to
Emon Bain
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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/emonbain/copy-clone-website-or-duplicate-website-or-redesign-wordpress-websiteFiverr Gig Price ($) : 20