A healthcare website needs to have easily accessible navigation, information, and professional visuals. So, I would like to build you a website focusing on medical, dental, homecare, or fitness with the following features.
- Waiting Periods and Patients’ Queue Updates
- Search & Filter Options for Doctors, Dentists, Surgeons, Trainers, Dietitians, Paramedics, Specialists, etc.
- Online Booking/Appointment & Scheduling
- Live Chat & Payment Options
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Blog & Knowledge Base
- Research, Training, & Development Section
The website will be,
- 100% Responsive & Mobile-Friendly
- Fast-Loading & SEO-Optimized
- Easy Content Management
- Secured with Advanced Technology
I will implement the following E-Commerce features,
- Product/Service Display (Single & Group Pages)
- Search and Filter
- User Account and Subscription (Premium)
- Checkout, Order Tracking
- Payment Method
- Product/ Service Query (FAQ, Live Chat, Question & Response)
- Complaints and Refund
I will help you every step of the way from designing and customization to development. Feel free to let me know if you need additional information about my service before placing an order.
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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/b5joLpFiverr Gig Price ($) : 20