I will build nft minting engine, minting website, nft website on erc721a smart contract


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Looking to create a Unique and super quality NFT Website, NFT Dapp with Minting Functionalities! Does that resonates with you?

I am AZEEZ a Blockchain developer, NFT specialist, with vast experience in developing a well-functioning and gas optimized NFT Minting Engine, NFT Minting Website, NFT Minting Dapp connected to ERC-721A Solidity Smart Contract.


NFT Minting Development on Several Networks:

  1. Etherium
  2. BNB
  3. Arbitrium
  4. Avalanche
  5. Optimism
  6. Polygon


  • Metamask Connection
  • NFT Minting Engine Development
  • Gas Optimized ERC-721A Smart Contract
  • Royalties setup
  • Minting Wallet Limit
  • Pre-Reveal setup
  • Minting per transaction
  • Whitelisting
  • Mint drop time
  • Pre-sale supply
  • Marketplaces Listing (Opensea, Rarible)
  • ReentrancyGuard
  • Launch Support

If you are in a case you need a well functioning NFT minting Engine, then am the right guy for you. Kindly get in touch with me & lets discuss your project.

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/qQ86Q9

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 20

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