I will create responsive repair landing page,real estate landing page or website


Are you looking for responsive credit repair landing page, real estate landing page or website implementing sales funnel for maximum sales and boosting store income?

I am JOTAB, i am an expert in building responsive landing page, website ,sales funnel for boosting store or website sales and income..

My package Includes


Basic package

I will design a professional opt in page and thank you page (this will collect information of visitor for future purpose)

Standard package

I will build a responsive landing page having 5 sections (the importance in store or website are so many it cant be said all here)

Premium package

I will build a responsive website and implement sales funnel after all functionalities

Store seo to rank on google


Customer support

Free back linking and promotion for awareness

Fast delivery

Maximum respect for buyers

I design logos,flyers and banner too


Contact me for more informations

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/9No9gK

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 10

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