I will do truss engineering bolted framing


Welcome to my Gig


Please have discussion prior to any order for quotation.

About this Gig


All steel structure faming

details with bolted or welded connection will be done under this gig.


All standard steel

section or HSS member will use as per country code.


European or USA

standard codes will be use in detailing or as required.



Please have discussion

over project before giving any order.


What type of work you will get here is brief.


Framing details 2d

design conceptual drawing


Framing structural fabrication details


connection details


floor framing


Platform detailing


Pipe support details


foundation details


site plan


these are some examples besides this you will other details as per your need or as per required for site structure.





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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/razacaddrafting/do-truss-engineering-bolted-framing

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 100$+

One thought on “I will do truss engineering bolted framing

  1. godswilladekings

    great design

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