About This Gig
Are you looking for photo or product photo editing?
You are in the right place. I will provide world-class photo editing services for any photo. I will professionally image edit manually using Photoshop.
My Services:
- Background Removal.
- Transparent/ White Background
- Product Photo Editing
- Removing Object.
- Remove Cloth wrinkle
- Masking Hair
- Clipping Path
- Natural shadows
- Image Cropping and Re-sizing.
- Photo Retouch and Color Enhancement.
- Document Editing (PDF files, Receipts, Scanned & Private Documents)
- Merging Photos and Pictures.
Please contact me for complex images such as jewelry, tree, cycles etc. Let me know if you have any questions.
Why choose me?
- On-Time Delivery
- Unlimited Revisions.
- World Class Work.
- Data Confidential
- 100% Customer Satisfaction
Best Regards
Tuhin Rana
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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/tr_pixel/do-background-removal-and-photo-editing-in-photoshopFiverr Gig Price ($) : 5$