Are you looking for minimalist photography handwritten signature logo of your Name or Company for Professional Or Personal Use? You are at the Right Place
Here I will design a Professional minimalist photography handwritten signature logo with attractive Text Style OR your Name, Business, Company, And Brand, etc……. I Provide High-Quality Work to my Clients…
Take a look at my Portfolio Video.
Our Expertise:
Signature | Luxury | Typography | Text-based | Feminine | Hand drawn | Monogram | Minimalist | Flat | Modern | Vintage | Retro | Badge | Conceptual | Professional | Clean | Combination | Corporate
What you will get from me:-
★ 3 Different concepts of LOGOS
★ Unlimited revisions on the selected one
★ 100% vector scalable to any size without losing resolution
★ Industry-standard source files to use on websites, business cards, merchandise, and more! Such as .ai, .eps, .psd, .pdf, JPG, transparent .png (If Request)
What Do You Need To Get Started.?
- Company Name, Tagline/Slogan, Color’s
We’ll be happy to help!
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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/sggraphics786/design-minimalist-photography-handwritten-signature-logoFiverr Gig Price ($) : 15