I will design flyer and brochure


About my Gig:

I’m Waqas Yasir certificate Graphics Designer from https://digiskills.pk/. I will create a professional & creative business flyer for your event product or promotion. I have been working since 2010 as a Graphic Designer.

What you will get from my Side:


·         Single-sided or double-sided design

·         Quick revision

·         Smooth & effective communication

I Specialize In:

·         Flyer Design/Poster/Brochure (One-sided or both sided)

·         Bi-Fold/Tri-Fold brochure

·         Banner (Print & web)

·         Business cards & Stationery

·         Door Hanger

·         Book Hanger

·         Invitation

Please note:

I accept orders for alcoholic drinks or porn sites.

Format File:  AI,JPEG,PN,PSD

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/waqasyasir/design-clean-creative-business-flyer-brochure-in-24-hours

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 20

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