Thanks for reaching out to me. Are you starting up your own sports, fitness, gym, and Gaming business to be your own boss? Let me fulfill your wish, I will take your business impression to the peak with my design expertise.
I Will also create Youtube logos for a Gaming Channel and others. It’s all up to you on your call.
My name is M. Farhan Zia, and I am a professional Graphic designer. In this gig, I will design a modern and professional design for gyms, fitness, sports, Gaming, and other sports tournament and leagues.
You can check some of the logos that I created, in the sample images of the gig. This modern monogram would be best for your brand.
Being a designer, my first aim is to ensure 100% satisfaction of my clients.
I will provide
1. customer satisfaction & money back guaranty .
2. Each and every illustration is unique.
3. On time delivery
4. Fast reply to your query promptly.
5.Happy to help you in future with delivered jobs and information regarding completed jobs.
For special services or any queries feel free to contact me.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/405YVRFiverr Gig Price ($) : 10