I will edit your video game montage and highlights with best sync


I can make professional gaming montage videos of ANY GAMES !!!

Fiverr Gig Link:



I have been working on making gaming montages almost for last 3 years. In this time, I have worked for many small and big content creators directly and indirectly. I gained so much knowledges & experiences on making montages from the professional in this field. So my experience will come in handy while working in your projects !!!

Some famous effects that I can make:

  • Ultra smooth optical flow slow motion
  • Beat Synchronization with music
  • Color grading and color corrections
  • Text animations
  • 2D Visual Effects
  • Particles in air etc.

What do you need to get started ?

  • Provide your clips in a Drive Link.
  • Decent video resolution
  • Good FPS, higher will result in better and flexible workflow (Minimum 30FPS recommended)

Why chose me ?

  • I have worked with many content creators in the past.
  • Years worth of editing experiences
  • 2 days delivery time !
  • I can provide the source file too. No charges for that at all !!!
  • I can boost your videos up to 4K resolutions

***My goal is to full fill your requirements, my job is not done un till you are satisfied with my service. Your satisfaction, is my aim.***

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/mahadihoshansa1/edit-your-video-game-montage-and-highlights-with-best-sync

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 10

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