I will do WordPress demo import with domain and hosting connect


About This Gig

Want to start a website for your business or portfolio Then I can build like website demo design like a WordPress theme. Also, I’m able to connect your Domain & Hosting. So, let’s start a website for you. 


  ✔ Domain & Hosting Connect if that’s different accounts.

  ✔ latest WordPress setup.

  ✔ Install Premium WordPress Theme. (Provide by you)

  ✔ Demo Import like WordPress Theme. 


  ✔ Quick response.

  ✔ Fast Delivery.

  ✔ 100% Client Satisfaction. 

  ✔ 100 % Quality Work.

What do I need to get it done?

  ✔ 1st your Domain & Hosting account login info. 

  ✔ Your premium WordPress theme with license key.

If you have any questions, You can ask freely.

Before ordering please drop me a message.

 570 total views,  2 views today

Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/coderimranbd

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 20

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