Do you want to reach a large audience with your business, product, service, event, offer, book release, music, game, software, or just about anything?
Let us use a Press Release to generate buzz for your company!
We’ll pitch your company to leading media outlets including FOX, CBS, NBC, Market Watch, Digital Journal, Benzinga, and 350+ other branded media sites.
Increase your brand’s visibility, credibility, and authority.
This is what you’ll get:
- Distribution of a press release to major news outlets
- Report in its entirety, including live links to your press release
- You can have up to five anchor text links leading to your site.
- In the press release, you can include a logo, a photo, or a video.
- Within a few hours, Google had indexed your website.
- Quick delivery. In less than 3 days, your press release will be published.
- Instant Authority, Credibility, and Visibility
- Dedicated & responsive support for SEO Boost
* To see a distribution report, send me a message.
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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/WVZYRBFiverr Gig Price ($) : 20