I will build wordpress sales,business website using elementor or astra pro


Greate Service I offer


  1. Install wordpress and required plugins
  2. Get premium Jet to woo builder
  3. Powerpack elementor with essential addon
  4. Jet elements Extra features or piotnet add ons to multi-purpose
  5. promo page,sales funnel /click funnel, coming soon page
  6. professional woocommerce functionality with full flavor
  7. Facebook pixel , pa_yment integration or design / redesign contact page
  8. essential addons ,elementor powerpack,plus add-ons with add extra widget
  9. social sharing button and secure, web optimization with SEO full package
  10. Add premium google map/Contact form design

Why Hire Me?

Quick Client Support


Fastest Delivery

Full Refund if I failed to satisfy

100% Satisfaction

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/muktadirshoaib/design-wordpress-landing-page-blog-elementor-pro-jet-plus-element-kit-customize

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 50$+

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