Website customization or creation is not difficult, but the most important aspect of a website is to maintain its quality. So, if you’re looking for a skilled developer, you’ve come to the perfect spot.
I’m Tonmil Banerjee Hridoy and working remotely as a junior web developer for a firm in the United States.I have extensive experience in website creation and can provide a higher level of service to my clients.
In this gig, I’ll provide you with all services connected to WordPress Enfold, Astra, Be-theme, Generatepress theme, and the Newspaper theme.
I can build any type of website from the ground up using Enfold, Astra, Betheme, Xtreme, and the newspaper theme and solve issues.
What I offering:
- I can easily customize Astra, Divi, Be theme, Enfold, and other WordPress themes.
- ЅЕО frіеndlу аnd wеll орtіmіzеd.
- Light weight and proper organized.
- Business,Ecommerce,Restaurant,Affiliate and Portfolio website design.
- Payment Method Intigration.
- Custome design.
- PSD to WordPress convert.
- Individual section Create.
- Any kind of form set up.
- Рlаn еvеrуthіng bеfоrе stаrtіng.
- Fаst, еlеgаnt аnd Моdеrn design.
- Rеsроnsіvе for all device.
- Моnеуbасk Guаrаntее.
- 100% Сustоmеr sаtіsfасtіоn.
- Unlіmіtеd Rеvіsіоn.
Why choose me?
- Qualified experience.
- Satisfaction Guaranteed.
- Good communication (IELTS-7)
- I believe in quality, not quantity.
- 24/7 Service.
- After sales service guaranteed.
NB: As a freelancer, i understand that After sales service plays the most important role for a seller, and thats why I will help my buyers by giving instructions if he/she wants after the sale. Your Satisfaction is my guarantee and with my extensive experience, I can ensure you a better quality service. Don’t feel shy I am always at your service.
Nevertheless, if you want to check out my portfolio and my personal information you can visit here- (https://www.hn-banerjee.com) .
At last, it is my humble request, Please feel free to contact with me before placing an order.
Thank you.
Tonmil Banerjee
2,924 total views, 2 views today
Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/dev_tonmil/be-your-expert-for-enfold-betheme-astra-newspaper-and-xtheme-websitesFiverr Gig Price ($) : 20