Hello Fiverr World and Store owner,
How are you doing? We are here to offer a special promotion service for your eBay, Etsy, Amazon, and Shopify stores
Are you looking for an experienced shopify marketer?
Do you need quality traffic to your ETSY SHOP?
Do you want to rank your ETSY STORE above your competitors?
Are you thinking for a way to build your brand awareness?
Well, You are highly welcome to the right gig that will make all your aims comes to REALITY, I’m susan with vast years of experience that specialized on shopify store design, Spotify ,Pinterest and graphic design . I will send visitors through dynamic prom0tion on social media and email marketing, showing them precisely what your etsy shop is all about and this will make them have interest in your website
- High Effective Marketing
- Drive targeted traffic for each listing individually
- Real visitors with unique traffic
- Completely Trackable on google analytics
- GEO Targeting visitors from the USA
- SEO Optimization
- Social media Ads
- Good communication
- Real Quality clicks
- Massive result
Looking forward to your response
452 total views, 2 views today
Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/pkleAZFiverr Gig Price ($) : 5