I will do nft discord promotion, nft promotion, nft discord


You have a discord server and you want people to engage and chat with the community activity?

Then You Have Come To The Right Person!

 I am knowledgeable about Cryptocurrencies and NFTs, I have 5+ years of chatting discord experience ,I will actually chat with your community and have real conversations, I have good English chatting skills..


Being a digital marketer and seeing a lot of Discord Server owner 

struggling to get Organic, real and active members made me develop a 

strategy to help them focus on crypto, gaming, lifestyle and and many 


here with me are some strategies:

  1. blogs posting
  2. social media
  3. solo ads set up
  4. classified ads
  5. full blown campaign

why hire me?

chatting interaction

real members

Fast delivery of Project  

100% Work Satisfactory

what are you waiting for, order now!!!!!

 504 total views,  2 views today

Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/d7QQR8

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 10

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