Take Your Amazon PPC Campaign to the Next Level
🚀 Boost Your Sales, Maximize Your Profits and Lower Your ACOS Provenly🚀
I am an Expert in AMAZON PPC MANAGEMENT AND OPTIMIZATION. After practicing a lot and consultations with my colleague who is Professional AMZ PPC CAMPAIGN MANAGER, now I am here to provide you people with my services on your way to become successful sellers.
It is important to have PPC CAMPAIGNS in the expert’s hands to maintain lower ACOS with a greater profit margin.
Here’s How I Make Your PPC Campaign Effective:
✅Extensive competitor analysis for best KWs.
✅Shifting of best performance KWs from auto to manual PPC CAMPAIGNS.
✅Inclusion of negative KWs.
✅Weekly PPC CAMPAIGN advertising reports.
✅Regular adjustments of bidding to maintain ACOS profitable.
Why You Need Me Over Cheap Alternatives:
✔️Have Premium tools (Helium 10, Merchant Words, Jungle Scout).
✔️24/7 customer support.
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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/umerva/setup-amazon-ppc-campaign-amazon-ppc-managment-amazon-ppc-optimizationFiverr Gig Price ($) : 5