Are you in need of a getresponse and mailchimp expert to help design a converting sales automation, landing page, newsletters and increase your sales volume? Then you are at the right gig.
I am an email marketing expert who is vast in the usage of the CRM platform getresponse and mailchimp. I will create eye-catchy and attractive getresponse and mailchimp landing page and email template. I will set up highly converting email automation on getresponse and mailchimp, set up email autoresponder, pop up/sign-up forms and set-up design email campaigns that will help nuture and grow your targeted audience.
- Getresponse Landing page
- Mailchimp Landing page
- Email Automation
- Attractive Email template design
- Sales funnel
- Sign-Up/pop-up form & Thank you page
- Leads and List generation
- Autoresponder
- Campaign set-up
- Quality A/B testing
- Excellent Communication
- 100% satisfaction
- Quality Service
- Attractive and Response Page
Contact me and let’s help promote your business using email marketing. Kindly Inbox me before placing an order.
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