I will setup profitable trading bot, crypto currency bot, forex


Welcome Great Crypto Dealer, 

Did you know many people make millions of dollar Monthly Using CRYPTO TRADING BOT? 

Even without Touching a button 

Here is the formula to also make this ;

Its the purpose of my Gig , Here i offer one of the best ARBITRAGE TRADING BOT, CRYPTO TRADING BOT, MARKET MAKER BOT , FOREX TRADING BOT and its makes really good profit.

These bots are available for private or public use.

Platforms; Desktop Version’; Window, MACOSX, LINUX , Mobile Version; Android , IOS, Ipad & Web Version

Some Features Of These Wonderful CRYPTO TRADING BOT;

Consistent Strategy

Automatic Execution

Indicators( RSI,MACD,Supertrend,PPO,Bollingerbands etc)

ROI of 5-8% Daily And 200%+ Profits Monthly

Technical Analysis Trading Approach

Plugin Architecture

Simulator for Historical Data Backtesting

Simulation for Paper Trading

Sell Stops, Buy Stops, and Profit Stops

Adjustable Trade and Sampling Frequencies

Customizable Command Center Dashboards

Fine Trading Bot Control

Execution of Manual Strategies

Market View for Technical Analysis

Custom Scripted Bots

Advanced Reporting etc



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Fiverr Gig URL: www.fiverr.com/teraprofits

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 20

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