I will https://www.fiverr.com/alexhudson50/create-defi-token-like-tiki-flokibusd-safemoon-everise-on-eth-bsc



I will create your Safe token Smart contract on Ethereum Chain or Binance Smart Chain

We can provide the following functions:


-% TAX FEE (dividends)

_%fee that goes to a set wallet (charity,burn or whatever you prefer)

-renounce ownership


For an extra of 390$ We can also do a Smartcontract with:

Fee for 1 wallet that receives bnb from automatic selling + Autobuyback + reflection


We will allow 2 wallets to receive BNB bsc fees (+390$)

We can also help you for:

crypto websites;

liquidity creation;

publication of your source-code in your github;


blockchain cunsultancy & support;

trustwallet logo


In order to get approved, your submission must meet the following requirements.

Fees are paid in BNB (3 BNB) or TWT (1000 TWT).

Project has a website or white paper.

Has a social media presence.

Detailed Token Information

Minimum 2500 

Deployment fee is not included, the deployment will be done in remote using anydesk.

Contact us if you have any doubts or any costum request, we’ll answer you as soon as possible!

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/8vqzdE

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 20

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