I will fix wordpress errors, PHP errors, issues and customization



Do you have a WordPressPHP, and JavaScript issue that is driving you mad? You need help, Let me solve your issues now!

We are Expert WordPress, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, GitHub & others.

I am all-time support for you. I am a professional full-stack web developer.

Please, First Contact Me and discuss your work.

Services I can Provide:

  • Fix any Issues regarding Layout Make your Website Mobile Responsive
  • Fix Themes and Plugin Issues
  • Fix issues related to PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Fix internal server error Customize Theme & Plugins
  • Fix Login Issues
  • Fix WP not sending email issue
  • Fix WP RSS Feed errors
  • Fix 403 Forbidden error in WP
  • Fix WP white screen of death
  • Fix any Issues related to Database 
  • Fix any Memory Errors
  • Fix any Redirection Issues
  • Admin white page
  • Mobile-Friendly
  • Allowed Memory
  • PHP Fatal
  • Theme/Plugin Broken
  • Site Layout
  • Login Logout
  • Increase WordPress website speed
  • Blank page issue
  • 500 error
  • Site hacked: Malicious code removal
  • Syntax Error
  • WordPress Installation Error
  • White Screen Issues
  • Media Button Missing Issue
  • Broken Media File Error
  • 403/404 Error Fix
  • Or any other issue

Note: Please contact me before placing your order


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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/xE8LoD

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 20

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