I will do wordpress speed optimization and speed up wordpress page speed


WordPress Speed Optimization for Google Page Speed

Send me your website URL for free speed checking and my recommendations before you consider and place order on my gig package.

I will speed up and optimize your WordPress website and make it load fast for your visitors. I will also speed your WordPress backend load speed.

Why your site speed important?

  1. Faster Loading sites = Ranks Highers on SERPs
  2. Higher Ranking sites = Get More Traffic
  3. More Traffic Brings = More Sale Conversions

What you will get speeding up your WordPress website:

  • Increase in Traffic
  • Lower Bounce Rates
  • Higher Ranking on SERPs
  • Better UX (User Experience)
  • More Conversions 

What will I do to Speed Optimize your website?

✓ Gzip File compression and Image Optimization

✓ Minify CSS, HTML, and JavaScript

✓ Reduce URL Redirects

✓ Remove Render-Blocking JavaScript

✓ Leverage Browser Caching

✓ Google PageSpeed insight score 90+

Why Ever Growing Pro?

  1. 5 Years of Experience on WordPress
  2. Unique optimisation methods
  3. Permanent Optimization
  4. Fast Load Time
  5. Full Site Optimization
  6. Money Back Guarantee
  7. Best Customer Support

Order now & improve your WordPress speed!

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/evergrowingpro/speed-up-wordpress-website-performance-and-seo-0caf

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 10

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