I will do shopify website development shopify promotion marketing sales SEO traffic


Hello great buyer, thanks for visiting my gigs, this is you…

– you have an ecommerce store (Shopify, WooCommerce, or any ecommerce website)

– you want to get more sales through ecommerce email marketing automation

– you are looking for a confirm sales automation

… continue reading.

Not only can I create an eye-catching email template for you but also set up everything necessary (flows, campaigns, strategy, etc.) to help you make at least 20% of your total revenue through email marketing.

This gig will skyrocket your chances of success, save you time and minimize the chances of failure.

My name is pelrem and I help with ecommerce brands turn their email lists into a top revenue driver. Whether you are looking for a complete setup from scratch or to take your existing email marketing to a whole new level, chances are I’ve already worked with multiple clients in a situation like yours.

The packages are made to be your one-stop-shop for all things email. No need to look for the latest strategies that bring sales, email template design, email copywriting, etc. It’s all included here.

Why not message me and let’s discuss in details!!

I remain Pelrem

Best regards

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/jdQm8G

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 20

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