I will create any type of custom field on page and post


I and My team are able to create a Custom field (Meta Data) for any Page and Post. That’s admin can easily manage the content of the Page without editing in HTML. We are also able to manage this Field on Custom Post.

Numbers of Field we are able to Create:-

  1. Text
  2. Email
  3. URL
  4. Money
  5. Textarea
  6. Time Picker
  7. Color Picker
  8. Radio
  9. Checkbox
  10. Select
  11. Wysiwyg Editor
  12. Upload File Editor
  13. Multiple File Uploader

These Number of fields we have edited on the WordPress Editor that’s Admin can easily manage all the Site Data. All fields are User Friendly.

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/rhtyaduvanshi/create-any-type-of-meta-box-on-page-and-post

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 5

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