I will convert psd, figma, xd to HTML, CSS with bootstrap 5


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Do you need to convert PSD to HTML, Figma to HTML, Xd to HTML, Ai to HTML, PSD to Bootstrap?

If your answer is “Yes” you are in the right place!

I am a professional PSD to HTML, Figma to HTML, Xd to HTML CSS Bootstrap Responsive. I love to convert PSD to HTML CSS Bootstrap Responsive. I’m using the latest version of Bootstrap. I always take care of code SEO-friendly.


✈ PSD to Html.

Xd to Html.

✈ Ai to Html.


✈ Figma to Html.

Sketch to HTML.

✈ Zeplin to HTML.

Email Templates.

✈ PNG or JPG to HTML.

Clone any website design.

You’ll get:

➤ Bootstrap 4 or 5.

100% Hand-Coded.

➤ Sass & CSS Animation.

W3C validation Mark-Up.

➤ Cross Browsers-Compatible.

Pixel Perfect website design.

Perfect Html5 & Css3 coding.

Optimized code for fast loading.

Google font & Custom font usage.

Clean and well-commented code.

Fully Responsive & Mobile friendly.

Why Me :

✔ Free 24/7 Days of support.

✔ 100% Money back gurarantee.

✔ Your satisfaction is my priority.

✦✦✦ If you have any questions, Feel free to contact me. ✦✦✦

Thank You 🙂

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/kausarmridul/psd-to-html-figma-to-html-psd-to-bootstrap-xd-to-html-sketch-to-html

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 15

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