Hello great buyers on fiverr,
I have over 5 decades of experience in the complimenting fields of animation and game development. I have built hit games for top companies and individual indie publishers alike. I have created children’s cartoons, explainer videos, intricate technical and interactive animations. I can mix both of these disciplines: produce animations for games or make animation interactive. I have so much experience that I can quickly give solutions to my clients questions – just ask!
Key skills:
– Game Development: Unity3d (C#), PlayCanvas (Javascript).
– Game Backend Development: PlayFab, GameSparks (Javascript), Photon Server (C#).
– Full Stack Web Development: React, Vue, Node.js (Javascript), ASP.NET Core (C#), WordPress (PHP).
– VR/AR: Steam VR, Oculus SDK, Microsoft Hololens, ARKit, Vuforia, WebVR, WebAR.
Also have experience in:
– iOS Development: Cocoa Touch (Objective-C);
– Android Development: Android SDK (Java);
– Web Development: Django (Python), jQuery;
– Samsung Bada Development: Bada Framework (C++);
– ASP.NET AJAX (C#, Javascript);
– MFC (C++
At last, I am looking for clients that are seeking experience and quality over quantity.
Thank you
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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/ZdGVx8Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 20