I will fix google search console error, sitemap update, indexing issues, SEO service


I am Certified SEO Expert in Digital Marketing, I Will Fix Your Websites Technical all errors. I will provide technical and on page SEO Service. I’m confidently that I will help to drive organic traffic on your website, increase in sales and rank to google on your website. ( WordPress, Shopify, etc)

MY Services 

Search Console errors Fix


  • Duplicate, Google chose different canonical than user
  • Soft 404 Error.
  • Fix Update sitemap & Robots.txt
  • URL Noindex issue fix.
  • Crawled – currently not indexed
  • Server error
  • 404 & 503 Errors.
  • Blocked by robots.txt
  • Page with redirect
  • Excluded by noindex tag
  • Alternate page with proper canonical tag


 XML sitemap

  • Update Sitemap generation



  • Robots.txt file creation
  • Adding rules to Robots.txt
  • Uploading Robots.txt


My SEO Services are based on Updated Google Strategies and White Hat Technique.

Please feel free to contact me for more information on how my services can work for your website.

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/d8vdW2

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 10$

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