I will do linkedin b2b lead generation and data entry


Hi there,

I am Bilkich As legeration expert. I am Working in this sector for more than 5 years. I have a lot of experience in the lead generation category.

B2B Linkedin Lead generation service:

Company Name+Website+Company Phone+Contact Name+ Title+Valid Email+Linkedin LInk+Location+Industry


Job Title: (President, CEO, Owner, Director, HR Director, Founder Decision Maker, Co-Founder, and other Titel )

Industry:  (Real Estate, Technology, Bank, Fashion, Construction. Medical, etc.)

Data Entry Service:

Copy paste, Web research, LinkedIn research, typing, Word to Image, Image to Word, Data Scraping, Data Mining, Microsoft Excel, Email List, LinkedIn Research, Pdf to Excel, Virtual Assistant, CRM Data Entry


Why trust in me?

1. I will use my best experience to do this job.

2 !00% valid email list and 99% accuracy

3. Revision 100% unlimited

4. on-time delivery

5. Work satisfaction 100%


Feel free to send me a message so we will discuss your project.

Thank you.

 Best Regards;


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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/bilkich92va/do-linkedin-b2b-lead-generation-and-data-entry

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 5

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