I will do advance SEO keyword research with competitor analysis


Hi, I am Atiqur Rahman, an SEO expert working for more than 2 years.

Keyword Research(KR) and Competitor Analysis is the first and most important step for SEO. It( KR) can ensure you by ranking your website and Competitor Analysis give you the details (strongside and weakness) of your competitor. So You can rank your website easily.

If you are looking for profitable KR and competitor analysis then you are in the right place.

Services you will get from me

Keyword research

-Best Long-tail keywords

-Low Difficult & High Volume Keywords

-Easy to Rank

  -Search volume

  -Current rank

  -Actual competitor


Competitor analysis

-General analysis (PA, DA, Indexing Pages, prominence, proximity, social presence )

-ON Page Analysis (URL character, canonical, the title character, meta description character, heading, images Alt tag, AMP, etc)

– OFF page analysis( Spam Score, PA , DA)


Why me?

·      I can ensure you that you will get your work timely

·      I will provide my service at a reasonable price.

·      100% customer satisfaction.

.      100% money back guaranteed

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/atiqislam701/do-advance-seo-keyword-research-longtail-kw-research-competitor-analysis

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