I will do etsy seo to rank your etsy listing to boost sales


Hi there, Welcome to my gig

Are you looking for a way to generate more sales in your Etsy shop? Do you want to rank your listings to get more traffic? I believe this is where all your needs are met..

With my powerful ranking system, you can dominate the search engine rankings. I am so confident that you’ll :

* Rank #1 in Google within 3 months with my help. 

* More visitors to your Etsy store and improved sales with this Etsy SEO.

This Etsy SEO gig is the most important e-commerce SEO service that you’ll need to succeed as an Etsy seller by creating a ranking strategy that works best for your Etsy Shop.

What I Offer:

  • Etsy Store Audit
  • Etsy Shop Optimization
  • Product Listing Optimization
  • Competitor Analysis

This Gig Will:

  • Increase Etsy Store Visibility
  • Boost Your Rankings
  • Get More Organic Traffic
  • Leverage The Etsy Algorithm
  • Recover From Lost Rankings

If you need more inquiries on your project or you want to start your project as soon as possible, kindly drop a message. I look forward to seeing your message.

BEST REGARDS                                  

 636 total views,  2 views today

Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/3NjoLV

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 10

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