I will do birth time rectification using vedic, kp, jaimini astrology


I have over 25 years of experience in Vedic astrology, Jaimini astrology and KP astrology and have experience of reading more than 40000 birth charts covering various aspects. using different techniques of astrology. Birth time should be accurate for right prediction with 100% accuracy and so birth time rectification is very important. Your birth time will be rectified by me using my vast and in-depth experience and knowledge of various techniques of astrology. My aim is to provide hundred percent satisfaction to my client.

Note: The report will not be computer generated. It will be prepared manually by myself and will be based on in- depth analysis of your chart using the vedic astrology techniques of reading planets placement, use of divisional charts etc, Jaimini astrology techniques of karakas and KP astrology techniques based on nakshatra lord and sub lord.

Why choose me:

Astro teacher having Youtube channel.

Over 25 years experience

100% satisfaction

Prompt delivery

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/s2/28e63a0e28

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 5$

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