I will do unique minimal logo vector art custom lo,go typography design


>>>>If you want to Greate, creative, unique Professional and attractive logo for your business, unique minimal logo, vector logo, website logo, custom logo, typography, wordmark and other lo-go de-sign, then you are in the right place. Im Most Expert Lo-go De-signer.

Logo Type: Minimalist, Lettermark, Brandmark


  1. Professional and Unique Lo-go.
  2. Modern unique Minimalist Lo-go De-sign
  3. Eye-Catching and Detailed Concepts
  4. Unique and Modern De-sign Concepts.
  5. Provide Editable Source Files
  6. Deliverable Files type JPEG, PNG, SVG, AI or PDF”
  7. Social Media Kits + Business Card De-sign(Only premium)
  8. Revamp and custom Your Old or Existing Lo-go
  9. High-Quality Lo-go Design


  • ️Unique and Modern Concept lo-go
  • ️100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • ️Fast and Friendly Communication
  • ️High Skilled Lo-go Designer
  • ️Print Ready Lo-go design
  • ️ Availability for 24 hours

TAg: minimal lo-go, vector design, vector lo-go de-sign, latter lo-go, typography design,

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/ahmed67905/do-minimal-logo-vector-design-vector-art-design-latter-typography

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 15

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