I will create photography hand drawn handwritten signature logo
I am professional graphic designer specializing in all graphics especially truly hand-drawn and handwritten signature Logo for your business, With this gig you will get concepts of elegant & quality logo design, and absolutely NO stock graphics ! I will personally craft & carefully design logo concepts which perfectly represent your branding. Photography Hand-drawn handwritten signature logo design Your satisfaction is always my top priority.
What you will get with this gig
- 5 initial hand-drawn, Signature logo, including.PSD. AI,EPS, JPG.
- 100% satisfactory work until your mark it done
- Vector quality logo scalable to any size without loosing quality
- Unlimited revision until you satisfied
- 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
- PROFESSIONALcustomer service and communication at all times
Here is my portfolio link www.flickr.com/photos/possiblegig/
Please send me a message if you have any question and I will reply ASAP.
449 total views, 2 views today
Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/GyybkzFiverr Gig Price ($) : 10