I will amazing african american children book illustrations and coloring book


Good tidings! I’m a craftsman who spends significant time making delineation and Character Designs for Magazines, Books, and business projects. I graduated with a four-year certification in Fine Arts – major in Advertising, and have been making Digital Art for different customers. I’m wild about after craftsmanship: 

– Custom Afro Arts 

– Modern workmanship delineations 

– African American Cartoon and Caricature 

– Black People or African American Portrait of Character Designs 

– African American Children Book Illustrations 

Go ahead and reach me or Order now! 

Much appreciated!

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/johncarlos207/illustrate-amazing-african-american-children-book-illustrations-and-cover

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 5

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