I will write your amazon listing description, get your sales double


Get it Now OR Lose IT

Wants To Double Your Sales?

90% of Amazon Sales are dependent on Amazon Product Description. The buyer read your description first As you are reading right now. Every buyer wants satisfaction before investing his/her money. If the listing description is not written correctly forget about getting sales.

As a service provider, it’s my responsibility to provide you with quality service. I will write your Amazon Product Description or Listing Description what you say; We provide quality service to you in order to rank your product or listing on the first page in the top row.

Our Steps of Process:

  • Competitor Analysis.
  • Find the pain points of competitors and write in our listing in a positive way.
  • Convert our listing in the HTML Formate.

What you’ll Get?

  • TITLE: SEO optimized title (Based on Avg Competitor Character Count)
  • 5 BULLET POINTS: Featured bullet points
  • Product Description (2000 characters)
  • Product Specifications i.e size, color, and quantity
  • Competitive Research CSV file

Remember an eye-catching description is the main reason behind your sales generation and business success.

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/wasifahmed120/write-your-amazon-listing-description-get-it-or-lose-it

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 20

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