I will setup fb business page linkedin twitter pinterest, instagram youtube account


*******(Welcome to my social media Gig)*******

Social media provides an easy way for potential customers to express interest in your business and products.

There are many benefits for soc ial medi a-**Gain targeted audience by location, **Increase your website traffic, **Share basic information, **Spy on your competitors.

You are a businessman need more sales and customers ? your are come to the right place. I will create, full setup, manage and optimize your Facebook business page, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Google+ account.

My Exclusive Services:-

  • Creating social media bus iness page or accou nt.
  • Adding all information about business.
  • Adding busin ess related product and description.
  • Add all soci al med ia and website link.
  • Setting all custom tab.
  • Setting google maps according to your address.
  • Adding Hashtag Generator.


  • Facebook business pa ge or acc ount
  • LinkedIn Company pa ge or a ccount
  • Pinterest account
  • Twitter ac count
  • Instagram busin ess page and acco unt
  • YouTube account
  • Google+ accou nt

Why choose me?

  • 2 years experiences
  • On-Time delivery
  • High-Quality work
  • 100% Satisfaction

Note: Please before placing an order inbox me.

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/imran6648/setup-fb-business-page-linkedin-twitter-pinterest-instagram-youtube-account

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 5

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